Saturday, September 25, 2010

Art 21: Stories

Kara Walker uses her art to tell stories, her message is strong and her work is stunning. Walker uses silhouette as the mode of her story telling. Her use of projectors pusses the audience into her art making them question the story that Walker has presented and how it applies to them.

Kiki Smith uses a variety of mediums including bronze, wax, and printmaking to tell the stories that most people who would not normally have a voice of their own... the dead. Smith loves letting her art speak for its self, she lets the art be open ended so that each person can take away something different and personal.

Do-Ho Suh uses transportable fabric as one of his mediums for his art. Starting with his lack of sleep when he moved from Korea to New York, he wanted to be able to take his home with him. Do-Ho Suh has been interested with the space that humans take up both privately and publicly and what it is to be human in a dehumanizing society.

Trenton Doyle Hancock inspired by the comic book style of art, his art has an epic sense and a child like wonderment. Created a charter called Mounds, which he explores in his art and tells the story of there creation and existence.

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