Sunday, September 26, 2010

Abstract Meditations: Art Article

Click here to read the article.

Artiest Julie Mehretu's new show titled "Notations After the Ring" is her works in abstract form. She listens to music wile she works and likes the comparison between the two world of art.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Art 21: Humor & Contemporary Art

Eleanor Antin  uses humorous comparison to have a commentary about the modern world. Antin draws from her Jewish up-bring and incorporates "tragic humor". She believes that we are going to be the end of our selfs, and her art reflects that.

Raymond Pettibon uses text and drawings to create humorous relationships between the written and visual. In a cartoonish approach Pettibon critics the world around him. Noted for making horrible things seem humorous.

Elizabeth Murray creates zany and cartoony colorful images to relate the idea of tension and balance. Her intent was to make these forms that were different and clashing but lived together, not just push up together but really co-exist.

Walton Ford inspired by old colonial drawings of the new world, he imitates there feel of the wonder and all out fear. He finds it humorous some of the perception of the first people to America.

Art 21: Stories

Kara Walker uses her art to tell stories, her message is strong and her work is stunning. Walker uses silhouette as the mode of her story telling. Her use of projectors pusses the audience into her art making them question the story that Walker has presented and how it applies to them.

Kiki Smith uses a variety of mediums including bronze, wax, and printmaking to tell the stories that most people who would not normally have a voice of their own... the dead. Smith loves letting her art speak for its self, she lets the art be open ended so that each person can take away something different and personal.

Do-Ho Suh uses transportable fabric as one of his mediums for his art. Starting with his lack of sleep when he moved from Korea to New York, he wanted to be able to take his home with him. Do-Ho Suh has been interested with the space that humans take up both privately and publicly and what it is to be human in a dehumanizing society.

Trenton Doyle Hancock inspired by the comic book style of art, his art has an epic sense and a child like wonderment. Created a charter called Mounds, which he explores in his art and tells the story of there creation and existence.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rare Celebrity Pics

Enjoy seeing some famous people in some un-famous pictures.

Know who this is?
Click here
To see them all

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Self-Portrait Artist

Andy Warhol
Able to capture the unique intensity that is his persona, Andy Warhol has some of the most iconic self-portraits out there. His style  reflects his own essence and he lives on through his Portraits.  

Ansel Adams

Able to capture the beauty of the world around around him, Ansel Adams saw him self in the world and captured it. His work is breath taking, and his self portraits are inspiring.

A breath taking portrait photographer, his self portrait is both beautiful and reveling. The intensity of his picture inspires me to capture the passion of the world around me.

Katarzyna Napiórkowska
Katarzyna, Kate for short, is not famous yet, but she has wonderful photography, and her self portraits are hauntingly elegant. 

Friday, September 17, 2010

Just a line?


He goes by the name momo, and he has tag New York with his alias. It is the biggest piece of graffiti that exists. Most people simply think that it is just a drip of orange paint, however it reality its spells out momo.
It has become part of New York and is seen by a staggering amount of people daily; it is both the most seen and most unnoticed piece of art in the world.

Edible Art


Fitz Haeg specializes in "Edible Estates" landscapes that can be eaten and have an esoteric quality hidden for the few who see his vision. And he encourages visitors to sample the naturally grown fruit and veggies.  

Rubickubism (Art Event)

TOP 10
Uploaded by extermitent. - Discover more animation and arts videos.

Space Invader is an street artist who uses rubixcubes as his medium.
harking back to the 8-bit days.
He has work around the world and he has some guts. Check em out
Click Me

Cheeky Art (Art Event)

Artist Spencer Tunink gathered both young and old alike to take part in his art instillation. 5,000 naked people make quite a statement about the beauty of the human form as works of art them selfs. Read the articles and look through the pictures for some truly amazing mass photography.


Thursday, September 9, 2010


1. Name,  e-mail
Dakota T Smith,
2. What’s your major? What year will you graduate?
Art Direction. 2014
3. Why did you choose a photography class (or photography as a major), and what do you hope to learn from school in general and this class specifically?
As an Art Direction major I need to be familiar with different types of art media. A general knowledge about painting, drawing, photography, and design is required to interact with professionals in today's Advertising world. I hope to refine my existing skills and improve my technique. 

4. What are your goals after graduation? Please list your goals in reverse order, starting five years out, then three, two, one, and six months.
5 years after graduation I will be a Creative Director with the Richards Group or a similar organization. 3-1 years after graduation I will be working my way up the Advertising latter, working with and learning from my peers gaining their respect so to be the leader they need and deserve. 6 months after graduation I will have a job working with an Advertising agency.

 5. What artists, musicians, photographers, writers, movies, books have influenced you/your work?
Henri Cartier - Bresson , The Decisive Moment (photograph) has always been one of my favorite works of art, in my mind it is what photography is all about.
Chema Madoz, Her sense of humor and clear "story telling" has inspired me to try and incorporate that style in my work
Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now is the book that I have to thank for where I am now, and my understanding
6. Where do you get information about current national and international events?
The Internet is where I get the vast amount of my current news.
7. Are there any important websites that you are referencing for art/photo competitions and/or information?
Good-Tutorials - Great place to find some cool tricks
8. What museums and/or galleries have you been to in the past year?
PDNB Along with quite a few galleries on Dragon St. In the design district of Dallas
9. Have you had any photo projects and/ or training in the past?
I am a Freelance Photographer for interior designer looking for interior documentation for contests and their web sites. Also I have had 4 years of digital photography from Parish Episcopal In Dallas.
10. What is the value of art for the artist?
I look at art as a form of expression, some people are good at numbers or using the language in creative ways. To me the value of art is intrinsic expression of the artist reality.
11. What is the value of art for the audience?
To the individual who is experiencing the art, is granted access to the creative vision of the artist. This insight can serve to spark discussion about human nature or simply the aesthetic value of the art.
12. Is photography a vocation or an avocation?
I believe that photography is both vocational and avocational. Some people are called to be photographers by day others take to the streets by night. In the technological world we live in, it is hard to find anyone with out a digital camera. More and more people are picking them up and documenting the world around them. The ends often dictates the means in weather the individual will take it up as a vocation or simply keep it as a hobby. 
13. What is your passion?
I passionately pursue truth, understanding, and wisdom.
14.What are you afraid of? What makes you uncomfortable?
I actively work on understanding and overcoming my fears, because I believe that fear will hold you back from greatness.
15. Do you have a passport?

Yes I do have a Passport